7 Common Cyber Security Threats for Small Businesses


Cyber security threats and cyber security attack has been on the increase for a while, particularly because of how cybercriminals have been benefiting from it.

Recently, they have been targeting more small businesses because most small businesses haven’t been putting security in place on their businesses.

When there is a cyber security attack. Certain things are usually at risk. They are:

Customers’ and workers’ details

Most cyber criminals who specialize in identity theft usually aim for this information.

With the information, they can carry out a lot of phishing and could scam more people.

Business secrets

Every business has certain secrets that make them stand out from its competitors.

These secrets could be how they communicate with customers, run the business, or ways that make the business unique.

A cyber security attack to get a business secret is usually intending to take over the small business or make it fall apart.

Financial information

Every business has financial information. These usually include income and expenditure.

Also, with a small business’s financial information, it is easy for a cyber security attack to end with the cybercriminal getting all the business’s funds.

With some of these reasons for cyber security attacks, it is important to know some cyber security threats that small businesses should look out for.

Common cybersecurity threat

Businesses can only thrive when there are cyber security measures put in place for the smooth running of the business.

SSL certificate is what most business owners go for when it comes to protecting their website and emails from a cyber security attack.

But one can never be too careful even when this measure has been put in place.

So, here are the threats s business owners should look out for.

  1. Weak password

This is the first cyber security threat, and it is also the most common method hackers can use to gain access to private information.

Most employees in small businesses have no idea about how passwords can be easily guessed or cracked. 

With several hacking tools available, hackers can through a whole system’s login information know which password works.

Some even go as far as hacking into people’s social media accounts to guess the passwords for sensitive data.

The way to prevent this is usually random passwords that can’t be easily guessed and changing passwords frequently.

If changing passwords frequently will seem like an issue, several secure apps can generate and save random passwords for businesses.

  1. Phishing attack

This cyber security threat has been increasing daily, and many people still fail to spot it because they use social engineering to achieve it and not technology.

These hackers usually pose as a worker or a trusted person and ask an employee to give access to information.

The bad thing is that most employees won’t even know this because they believe the person is also a worker.

Some even send a website link for an employee to click on, which they use to get the access they need.

Teaching employees that they cannot click on suspicious links or give access to information to people will greatly reduce it.

  1. Malware

Ensuring that antivirus software constantly runs on devices to remove every form of malware is important.

Malware happens to be one of the most serious cyber security threats because of how unnoticeable it could be.

With spyware and viruses on a device, tracking the information keyed in is easy for cybercriminals.

So, while using devices, especially laptops and computers in small businesses, antivirus software should be constantly updated.

  1. Ransomware

When the cyber security attack is ransomware, the main purpose is to extort small businesses and the money will never be recovered.

Here, the cybercriminal sends either a link or file that makes it look like it is for a system or application update. The unsuspecting user clicks on it and gives them access to information.

This information is then held as ransomed and threatened to be leaked if money is not paid to the cybercriminal.

Sensitive information like customers’ bank details or other details in addition to the business’s trade secret is what is usually held at ransom.

The release of this information is usually a high risk to the business and the hacker is sure to get his or her money.

  1. Insider threat

In small businesses, insider threat is possible because there are usually few employees available who have access to any information they shouldn’t have access to.

The lure or thought of earning something big by engaging in cybercrime or helping a hacker has made many employees willingly give up their business information.

Employers should try to limit access to information, especially when the employee does not need it. There should also be a general awareness of cyber security threats.

  1. Poor data management

Managing data is not just about storing data. It should be well stored, organized, and tidied so that even when the information will keep increasing in the course of running a business there won’t be any loopholes for cybersecurity attacks to take place.

Unfortunately, most small businesses do not pay attention to this.

  1. Lack of website security

Most small businesses have websites because the website acts as their online presence. Unfortunately, some of them don’t put security in place.

To avoid such situation, SSL certificate needs to be used in securing a website because of the amount of information gotten through that link like bank details of customers and other things. 

There are types of SSL certificates available in market like Multi-domain SSL Certificate, Wildcard SSL Certificate, Single Domain SSL and more. You can choose any as per your site requirement and budget.

A website can easily pose a cyber-security threat when it isn’t well secured, therefore security should be a business’s top priority.


Cyber security attack is one area that most businesses suffer from because of a lack of proper measures in place to prevent them like security and educating their employees on this.

For the growth of small businesses and to prevent a breach of cyber security, both the employers and employees need to work together to ensure that the business is not at risk.


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