How to Split Bills with a Group on Google Pay

How to Split Bills with a Group on Google Pay

Recently, Google Pay has received a new split expense feature, which lets users split the bill with their contacts and pay quickly. It will eliminate the need to discuss or calculate the amount manually. Here is how to split bills with a group on Google Pay.

Google Pay’s bill splitting feature will be very useful when a group of friends or family members go out to a restaurant or a movie and need to split up the bill among them. It will send the request to the members of the group and keep track of the payments for you. Google Pay will also let you send reminders to your friends and notify you every time a member pays the amount. Here’s how you can easily split the bill with your friends on Google Pay.

How to Split Bills with a Group on Google Pay

The payment procedure to split bills on GPay is simple as compared to other specialized bill splitting tools. To begin, you must establish a new group. After creating the group, users will notice a ‘Split an Expense’ button at the bottom. Here is how to split bills with a group on Google Pay.

Step 1: Create a payment group on Google Pay

To create a group on Gpay, go to the main page and select a new payment option; a new screen will appear. A ‘New Group’ option will appear on this screen, below the ‘Transfer Money’ tab. Here are the steps to create a new payment group on Google Pay.

  1. Open Google Pay and tap on the New Payment button on the main page.
  2. From the next page, tap New group to create a new group on Google Pay.
  3. Select the members you want to add to the group and tap on Next from the top-right corner to proceed further.
  4. Enter the group name and create.

Step 2: Use Bill Splitting Tool of Google Pay

After creating the group, users will notice a ‘Split an Expense’ button at the bottom. After entering the amount to split among the group members, the amount can be split evenly. You can also enter the custom amount that a certain user must pay. Here is how to use the GPay bill splitting tool.

  1. Open the Google Pay group you’ve created and tap the Split an Expense option at the bottom.
  2. Enter the total expense amount and then tap Next.
  3. Now, the amount will be split among the group members evenly.
  4. Once done, tap Send request to raise the payment request.
  5. You can view the expense request from the group’s conversation window to see if your friends have paid the requested amount.

Step 3: Check the status of your shared expenses & send reminders

Every time a member pays, Google Pay notifies you and updates the payment status. You can also check the status of your shared expenses & send reminders.

  1. Open the Google Pay app.
  2. Tap Search at the top of the screen.
  3. Select the group that you created the expense with.
  4. Go to the Expenses tab.
  5. Select the Send Reminder button next to the person who owes you money.

Step 4: Close Request or Delete Gpay Group

If you change your mind, you can cancel the payment request you just made in the Google Pay app by tapping the vertical three dots menu symbol in the upper right corner and selecting Close request.

  1. Open the group and click on three dots at the top right corner.
  2. Tap Close request to cancel the payment request you just made in the Google Pay app.
  3. To delete a Google Pay group, tap the header of the group and go to settings.
  4. Now, you can manually remove members by tapping the minus button next to the user’s name.
  5. On the confirmation pop-up, tap on Remove from group.
  6. Once you remove the group members, you can also leave the group by tapping on the Leave group option from the settings.

Wrapping Up: Split Bills Easily on GPay

Splitting bills with a group on Google Pay makes it easy to keep track of your spending on nights out with friends and ensure they don’t forget to pay you back.

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